Yes — another post about Costco. This is *my* first one, but roughly 115% of bloggers who write about finance at some point write about Costco. It’s like a teenager who starts playing guitar and tries to learn Stairway to Heaven. I’ve read many of these articles, and there are three things I’ve never seen […]
Save More With The Accidental One Income Challenge
We have a limited amount of willpower in a day. The more effort you spend forcing yourself into new behaviors, the quicker you deplete your willpower, and the more likely something is to fall by the wayside. So if you want to maximize the change in your life, make changes that require less effort or which perpetuate themselves. […]
The Financial Folly of the US Healthcare System Part II
The US healthcare system, while flush with cash, is engineered and maintained by political decisions and figures that appear morally bankrupt. Unfortunately, the only people actually going bankrupt are healthcare consumers without significant financial means or great insurance. You don’t have to google far to find zillions of stories, but here’s just one from The New York […]
What Is the Income/Lifestyle of Your “Inner Circle”?
This discussion came up on a physician finance forum I frequently read. I grew up in an affluent area of our town, and attended private elementary and high schools. I went to State U for undergrad and medical school, and then spent time in two cities (in Texas and back to my home town) for […]
The Value of Underwear
Last week I wrote a guest post for EJ at DadsDollarsDebts. Here’s an excerpt: We walked into the boys undergarment section and he almost ran to the neon boxer-briefs. Not only were they an awesome shade of yellow, they were “performance” and would wick away sweat! They were clearly the ideal purchase. So we initially […]
Moderatism versus Minimalism?
For the month of February, I am partnering with EJ from DadsDollarsDebts. We’ve never met, but he’s one of the first blogging pen pals I made with after starting my site. As a fellow blogger, father, and physician, we have a lot in common. We even realized we have a mutual close friend that we […]