July 1st, if you were not aware, is the real New Year’s Day. It’s a time of significant change, filled with hello’s and goodbyes, big moves and new responsibilities, freshened pocketbooks and free time. At least it is for those of us in academic medicine, working in a university/teaching hospital. On July 1st, new interns […]
Personal Finance Study — Written up by WCI
Introduction A scholarly work of mine, something from my day job, was featured today by Jim Dahle, who blogs/podcasts/runs an empire at The White Coat Investor, so if you made it to this blog from there, welcome! This is a survey I conducted of residents and fellows at two universities to understand their personal financial […]
High on High Deductibles
A recent article by Chief Mom Officer on High Deductible Health Plans (HDHPs) and Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) spurred a Twitter discussion/debate after her post on the topic. This is a semi-counterpoint to her well-reasoned post on the topic (“semi” because I think we agree on the topic). At the end we’ll discuss why my family has […]
Dr. Dad
What does a pediatrician do when their own kids are sick? I drafted this post weeks ago, but finished it tonight after spending the day at home with Rogue Three, who is sick (not seriously ill), so the timing couldn’t be better. Many people have skills they develop for work that they end up using outside […]
Ruminations of a Middle-Aged Rogue Dad
Late Night Musings I write this having recently turned 37 years old (the blog is just over one month old). So it seemed a reasonable time to ruminate. While my birthday didn’t actually prompt me to think existential thoughts — I tend to space out and think about life all the time — my birthday was a […]
The Graveyard Shift
This is really a precursor to a larger discussion on sleep deprivation and medicine that hopefully I someday finish. As I sit and write this, it’s Tuesday night. I worked overnight shifts this previous Friday, Saturday, and Sunday in our pediatric emergency department. My shift was from roughly 11pm-8am each night. I saw over 30 patients […]