A collection of articles and/or blog posts from around The InterWeb that are entertaining, interesting, or informative. This week we learn about Russians weaponizing whales, smartphone diets, cross-country moves, lockdown drills, doing nothing, banning private schools, and more.
I’m writing this while on a fishing trip, with a work auto-reply message that reads: “Gone fishin’. I may or may not return, and if I do will be buried under a pile of email and may never reply.”

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I've opened up an Amazon Storefront -- see a litle of what the Rogue Boys buy and a few of my curated recommendations.
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The Roundup
You will see some links to the Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, and New York Times, which may be limited by a paywall. Many sites give a few free articles/month, so if you don’t pay for those sites and don’t already visit, hopefully you can still read.
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EJ at DadDollarDebt is the first blogger I made friends with in real life. He recently took a break from blogging to move across the country, a move partially caused by having his house burn down in a wildfire. I highly suggest you peruse his back catalogue. He rejoins the blogosphere with this entry: It’s been a while- deliberate steps
Chief Mom Officer went on a Weeklong Smartphone Diet — I’m sad to say that I’m on a fishing trip but still used my phone. I could take a lesson from CMO. She wakes up before dawn and I’m pretty sure is a bot given her productivity.
Wall Street Journal — Foxconn Tore Up a Small Town to Build a Big Factory—Then Retreated
ABC News — Here’s what parents should really do about kids who are picky eaters
Washington Post — Can our child be both a Muslim and a Jew?
FiveThirtyEight — Political Confessional: I Think Private Schools Should Be Banned — an opinion piece that will definitely stir strong responses — I don’t agree, but a nice click baity title to get you riled up
The Guardian — Whales being trained as weapons — Russia doesn’t need Red October when it has whales
The Atlantic — The Lockdown Drill Generation –I have 3 children ages 10 and under. While the “odds” of a school shooting are low, they shouldn’t even be measurable. I’m fairly disgusted at many individuals and groups in our country who have fostered an environment where it literally isn’t even the main headline anymore when this happens.
The New York Times — The Case for Doing Nothing — I’m pretty good at doing nothing