I recently ran the least successful twitter poll ever, an opportunity to pick the next post that would appear on the blog. Apparently none of my 11 followers either noticed or cared. Lesson learned. Well, I assume there is a lesson to be learned. The lesson for you, the reader, is to follow me at twitter.com/RogueDadMD. Instead of […]
The Tax Man Cometh
I’m Not a Do-It-Yourself’er I started doing my own taxes after graduating medical school. Prior to that my income was low enough and my return easy enough that my parents did my taxes along with theirs and I never paid a whit of attention to the process. However suddenly I was a grown-up – within […]
Country Road
The Beginning This is the first ever blog post. I’ve added made slight formatting changes since its original publication, but it is otherwise unchanged. Like most second-generation Pakistani-American Muslims, I went through a John Denver phase in college. Okay, maybe that phase was limited to those of us with a friend/roommate who loved John Denver […]