This is the latest in a recurring series. Find all of them here. “I hate dance class! Write a big ‘X’ so I don’t have to go anymore!” Rogue Two is in dance class as I write this. As I’ve mentioned before, he’s the only boy in the class, and the only one not wearing “dance” […]
The Only Thanksgiving Post You Need
Perhaps I exaggerate. As a Muslim married to a Christian, I have the opportunity to celebrate twice as many religious holidays as most people. I suppose it also means I have the opportunity to be twice as sacrilegious when I say I think Thanksgiving may be my favorite holiday. Eid-al-Fitr, the holiday at the end […]
2 Things I Read For You — Nov 21, 2017
This is TL;DR (Too Long, Didn’t Read) Twosdays, where I summarize two interesting articles from the InterWebs. Slightly different than roundups on other blogs, I’ll tell you what you need to know about the article and discuss its significance. This concept is inspired by my father, who sends everyone in the family articles links by […]
Podcast, Dancing, Daylight Savings, and Shayṭān — a Friday Potpourri
I’m traveling today, but I can’t tell you anything about it, because what happens there stays there. Yes, Cleveland is a crazy place. Just kidding — I’m really going to Akron. If you have not listened to my first podcast appearance, Dave Denniston hosted me for an hour-long, wide-ranging talk. We recorded it in July, […]
The Cost of Assaulting a Nurse
In an online forum I read (focused mostly on finance related topics but occasionally veering into politics and news), someone started a discussion with the title “Quick way to make a half million” — the original post is below (in italics). Cops in Salt Lake screwed up and arrested a nurse. But half a million? […]
2 Things I Read For You — Nov 7, 2017
This is TL;DR (Too Long, Didn’t Read) Tuesdays, where I summarize two interesting articles from the InterWebs. Slightly different than roundups on other blogs, I’ll tell you what you need to know about the article and discuss its significance. This concept is inspired by my father, who sends everyone in the family articles links by […]